June 16, 2013

The Avenue

I'm back! My blog and my little shop project have taken a back seat for the last few weeks while J and I worked hard on another project - our EP. We finished recording, spent hours tweaking and got it ready to sell. My job towards the end was to put everything together so every spare moment lately I've spent printing, cutting, sticking and sewing! I'm seeing these in my sleep! But we were so excited and proud to release it last week - check us out here: The Avenue

Five things I have learnt/re-learnt in the last few weeks...

1. Hard work pays off.
2. Teaching yourself a new skill is a really good feeling.
3. Housework doesn't really get done when you have a crazy few weeks (that's tomorrows job!)
4. We are surrounded by some incredibly encouraging and supportive people.
5. It is crazy, sometimes stressful but very fun to have worked on this with my bestest friend + husband. Team Jones everyday.

I'm crafting tomorrow so watch this space - lots of ideas running around my head! x